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Universal Pre-K

Coming Soon!
UPK Registration for the 2025-2026 School Year

If you are interested in registering your child for UPK this year (2024-2025 school year), please call our office at
(631) 578-1501.

The Longwood Central School District, through participation in the New York State Universal Pre-Kindergarten Program Grant, is providing a ten-month, five days per week, 5.5 hours per day (full-day) pre-school in September 2024. The program will follow the Longwood Central School District calendar.

The program is 100% funded by New York State, which determines the number of children the District serves. Children who are or will be four (4) years of age on or before December 1, 2024, are eligible to participate in this program.

The New York State Education Department has determined that the District must use a lottery selection basis when there are more eligible children than can be served in a given school year.  Transportation is not provided and must be provided by the child's family.

Please note that the UPK program is contingent upon approval of the New York State UPK Program Grant.

Universal pre-kindergarten classes are offered at selected community pre-schools licensed by New York State, allowing young students of diverse ability levels to grow and learn in inclusive environments.

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Us!

Director of Literacy and Intervention Services
Amy Staubitz - 631-578-1501

UPK Liaison
Jennifer Franco-  631-578-1487

UPK Social Worker
Dawn DeStefano:  631-578-1486