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Transitional Housing

Rights of Students in Transitional Housing

The McKinney–Vento Homeless Assistance Act of 1987

Students who are in transitional housing have the right to attend Longwood even if they are temporarily living outside of the district; if they were permanently housed in Longwood prior to being in transitional housing. Students in transitional housing are entitled to free transportation to and from school. They have the right to participate in all school activities with transportation to and from these activities, if it is provided to other students. They have the right to receive special education services immediately if they have a current IEP. They have the right to receive free meals without filling out an application. Services are available up to 21 years of age.

Definition of Transitional Housing

A student living in transitional housing is anyone who, due to lack of housing, lives:

In an emergency or transitional shelter.
In a motel, hotel, trailer park, or campground. 
In a car, park, public place, bus or train station, or
in an abandoned building.
Living in the home of a relative or friend due to lack of housing.
Unaccompanied as a youth in a homeless situation,
not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian.
As a migratory child in any of the above conditions.

Contact Valerie Perez, Transitional Housing Liaison, at (631) 345-2889 or by email at