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Mental Health

Longwood Central School District has a long-standing commitment to Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and mental health wellness. With a department of 70 full-time, highly qualified counselors, social workers, psychologists, and nurses, we are dedicated to supporting academic and social growth for all students. We offer many programs and support options for students and families, including:

  • Creating a culture of care for our students and staff's emotional, social, and mental well-being, providing students with a rich Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum in line with the New York State Learning Standards. 
  • Students are provided with everyday access to highly qualified clinicians and counselors and support student behavioral health through crisis intervention, behavioral support planning, and implementation of student-specific plans.
  • Our psychologists meet regularly with students to complete Psychological Evaluations for the Committee on Special Education. Likewise, our 504 coordinators work with students and families to create NYS 504 plans for students with medical needs.
  • Our social workers and school counselors work with students to implement all aspects of the Dignity for All Students Act and bullying prevention. 

Our staff works collaboratively with teaching and non-teaching staff to offer high-level professional development. Additionally, our team works directly with students to provide instruction in restorative practice, emotional regulation, youth mental health first aid, trauma-informed practices, PBIS, substance use/abuse, and healthy relationships.

We work to increase relationships with outside agencies catering to students' wellness and mental health needs while connecting the community with resources. Our school counselors at the high school work with students to assess progress toward graduation requirements. At the same time, our entire staff works with all students from K-12 to develop deeper College and Career readiness.


Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)

Mental Health Resources

Crisis Contact Information

Every Day Counts

Allison Level,
Director of
Mental Health


Mental Health Staff