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In March 2019, based on the New York State's approved Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) plan and as specified in Commissioner's Regulations §100.21, the New York State Education Department (NYSED or "the Department") posted the Participation Rate Status Report for each public school in the state on the Information and Reporting Services (IRS) portal. The Department notified each district and charter school regarding any schools that had been identified as Potential Participation Rate Improvement Plan (PPRIP) schools.

Districts and charter schools were notified that should any of these schools fail again in the 2018-19 school year to either meet the 95% participation rate requirement or show progress for any subgroup and subject for which the school was designated as a PPRIP; the school would be required to create a Participation Rate Improvement Plan (PRIP). 

Below is Longwood's Participation Rate Improvement Plan for each building: 

Charles E. Walters Elementary School

Coram Elementary School

Ridge Elementary School

West Middle Island Elementary School

Middle School

Junior High School