Longwood High School Seniors Earn Seal of Civic Readiness
During a ceremony on Monday, June 3, 26 seniors were honored for earning the Seal of Civic Readiness from New York State. To achieve this prestigious honor, students engaged in various civic activities, such as organizing a voter registration drive for their peers, lobbying in Albany on educational issues, participating in the Ambassador Program at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, studying the Executive Office and presidential power at Long Island University’s Roosevelt House, and supporting local civic associations with community projects.
Meeting weekly with the Civics Squad (teacher advisors Mr. Conti, Ms. Goepfert, Mr. Makarius, Mr. Tapia, Ms. Gerber, and Mrs. Knudsen), students deepened their understanding of civic rights and responsibilities as outlined in the US Constitution. Additionally, 50 students wrote and submitted Profiles in Courage essays to the JFK Presidential Library as part of the program.
The program, endorsed by the New York State Education Department, provides formal recognition to students who have demonstrated that they are civically knowledgeable and have the requisite skills and experiences to be actively engaged citizens.
The distinction appears on both their high school transcripts and diplomas. To qualify for the seal, students must attain six points by completing a variety of requirements, including at least two points each for civic knowledge and civic participation. They can accumulate points by earning four credits for core social studies courses, achieving mastery level on social studies Regents exams, enrolling in advanced social studies courses, completing a research project, earning credit in courses that promote civic engagement, and doing a service-learning project, among other options.