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Longwood Junior High School Designated as an Essential Elements School to Watch

Longwood Junior High School  Designated as an Essential Elements School to Watch

The New York State Education Department, in partnership with the New York State Middle School Association and the Statewide Network of Middle-Level Liaisons, named Longwood Junior High School as one of 16 statewide Essential Elements: Schools to Watch. The Junior High School previously received the honor in 2012, 2016, and 2018.

The prestigious honor is awarded to exceptional middle-level schools that meet rigorous criteria and are on a path of continuous improvement. This program identifies and recognizes middle-level schools and programs that are academically excellent, developmentally appropriate, socially equitable, and organized to ensure continuous improvement. 

"I am so proud of the staff, students, and parents of Longwood Junior High School," said Junior High School Principal Adam DeWitt. "The work that our teachers do each day and our kids' efforts make me feel incredibly lucky to be the principal of the Junior High School. We also appreciate the partnership we have built with the Schools to Watch program and the New York State Department of Middle-Level Education."

EE:STW is a state-administered national program overseen by the New York State Education Department, the New York State Middle School Association, and the Statewide Network of Middle-Level Liaisons. It is an honor designed to promote and guide the school improvement process and highlight characteristics of high-performing middle-grade schools.