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Longwood High School Celebrates August Graduates

LHS Summer Graduates

Longwood High School proudly honored 21 August graduates in a heartwarming summer graduation ceremony. The event marked a significant milestone for these students, who joined the ranks of Longwood alums through their perseverance and dedication. The ceremony, held at the high school, was attended by family members, friends, faculty, staff, administration, and Board of Education members.

Summer School Principal Shawn Dillion shared his gratitude for being part of this important chapter in their lives and seeing their commitment to the future. “Our graduates sitting here before us today are proof that they have developed commitment and perseverance,” said Mr. Dillon. “While you all have faced many challenges and adversity throughout your educational journey, you found a way to accomplish your goals. Our August graduates embody the resilience and strength that our Longwood School community is built upon.”

Board of Education President Mrs. Molloy extended congratulations on behalf of the Board and reminded the graduates to take the time to celebrate this personal victory.

Superintendent Dr. Lohman shared that August graduation is always one of his favorite events of the year. “We are all so proud of every one of you. During this time, you’ve learned such an important life lesson. When things don’t work out the way we think, you keep pursuing! The next time you face a challenge, you can reflect on this moment and realize what you’ve accomplished; you believed in yourself!”

Please join us in congratulating the following Class of 2024 graduates: Luis Burgos, Salvatore Cavezza, Ayberson Eniel Cruz Fuentes, Joseph Donoghue III, Kenneth Espinoza, Michael Flores Archaga, Joshua Garcia, Anthony Garcia Galvez, Norma Leticia Garcia Hernandez, Bryan Hernandez Castellon, Ataiar Kaldarbekov, Christopher Luby, Noel Meza Castro, Cesar Ortiz Jiron, Dominick Quintanilla, Eyvi Reyes, Arian Souffront, Jenna Tylee, Matthew Wood, Joan Xavier Yerovi Cruz, and Darius Zayas.


LHS Summer Graduates